Hello World

Posted on 2010-05-27
Tags: GSoC

My exams are over and most of my school work is done (need to write some java ee until next week), which means I will finally be able to focus on GSoC.

As you might guess my GSoC project is about improving Shepherd and later on I will publish my accepted proposal.

My progress thus far is rather limited. I have been able to get a working dev-env with scratchbox and the final maemo SDK up and running. I have installed and configured a blog-thingy and I have been able to compile and run some Qt applications. As I have no previous experience with Qt and no work experience with c++ I figure it will take some time for me to really get started.

I have found several sources of information that can be utilized for the actions/triggers I plan to implement. My next step is to build the ground of what will become the wlan-ssid trigger. I found the method allConfigurations() in QNetworkConfigurationManager which with the right filter should give me all avalible wlans. It does also seem that the same method could give me a trigger for other types of internet connections aswell, as GPRS och HSDPA for example.

With the release of PR1.2 Qt 4.6 is introduced, something almost required for my work and also shepherd. However I have failed to upgrade my device :( . The app manager tells me that I have to use Nokia software updater but when I tried that it failed with some error about not being able to download the update.